The Water Division is responsible for repairs, installation, treatment, and testing of the Town’s potable water supply. Testing is necessary to ensure compliance with regulations set by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Results from these tests can be found on our latest Public Water System Consumer Confidence Report.
Connecting to the Town’s Water Supply
New homes and businesses within the Town’s service area can connect to the Town’s water supply.
Connection fees vary and you may click here to view the fee schedule.
Water and sewer hookup forms are available at Town Hall. Once the completed form has been reviewed by Town personnel, and payment has been received, Blue Stake is called in to locate the exact location of other utilities that might be affected by the dig before crews can begin construction. The location process usually takes less than 3 working days, at which time the Town’s installation crew can begin hookup.
The hookup fee includes connection to the Town’s main, water meter, and 1-inch service line to the property line of the residence. Commercial installations must include their own backflow prevention device.
Monthly service fees or other fees may apply.